- As a child I wanted to be a vet
- I'm an aspiring artist, my forte' being dip ink child's illustration.
- I was going to go to Art school after I finished my Library diploma (until my plans changed slightly, and for the better ^_^ )
- I'm a high soprano and sing anything I can by Andrew Lloyd Webber
- A personal goal of mine is to be able to sew my own clothing, then husbands and children's eventually.
- I own a spinning wheel and have spun materials including: wool, cotton, silk, alpaca and camel underbelly!
- I'm a huge fan of the Grimm Fairy Tales and own a complete, unabridged edition I love and am systematically reading through each story.
So there we go! 7 things about me you didn't know and now do!

We saw a fashion show, where I was able to get a few ideas of what I liked. I quite liked this one:

I am a bi-lateral amputee. I was born without fingers on both hands, excluding a small thumb on my right hand. How my thumb is positioned, any ring would fall off without too much effort. I had resigned myself long ago that I would never be able to wear rings.
That was okay, I was able to do pleanty of other things, so no big deal.
Well, it wasn't until I got engaged that I realized how much I missed being able to see my ring. Right now my ring is hanging off a beautiful chain around my neck, though to see it properly I need to almost cross my eyes! Lol!
My parents and I talked and we thought, that maybe, just maybe, something could be done so that I could wear my ring.
The Bridal Show was hosted by Jubilee Jewelers and a huge showcase had been set up right at the entrance of the show.
We were about to leave and my mom went over to the counter:
"You don't have any jewelers here do you?" She asked, not really hoping too much. She just expected there to be sellers.
The woman she spoke to smiled. "I am one."
My mom smiled back. "I need a master goldsmith.."
The woman pointed down at the showcase below her. "Those are my tools, I am the master goldsmith for Jubilee." The showcase was full of different tools and moldings, semi-precious stones and crystals. All tools of her trade.
My mom was ecstatic. "I have a challenge for you!" she grinned.
The woman (who we later learned was named Sandy) smiled politely. "Okay.."
My mom laughed "No,this is a real challenge.."
I came up behind my mom at this point and heard the conversation, I stood out from behind her and holding my hands together said: "I would like to be able to wear my wedding ring."
Sandy laughed then. "That is a challenge!"
We were amazed and touched by how quickly she dove into this, and how she tossed around ideas and thoughts. We found out that she belonged to no Jubilee store, and that she never saw customers. As she put it: "I'm just the one behind the bench!"
There would have been no way that we could have met her, and to have met her in the middle of a busy bustling Bridal Show, was pure God.
My parents and I were thinking of going to Montreal to make an appointment with a Birks jeweler if we ran out of options. But here right in front of us was this woman who wanted to help, was able to help and really had an interest. It was simply amazing!
The manager of one of the Jubilee stores was also working with Sandy and had overheard our whole conversation - - he too jumped in willingly, making suggestions and getting different rings, and figuring out what ring size I was.
He was so helpful and the kindness and willingness to help just radiated off of him, his name "Heartly" suited him very well I thought.
We spent a good half hour with Sandy and Heartly, and finally decided that if I wanted to wear my ring without fear of losing it, the best way would be to make a ring, attach a small chain to the ring, which would then also attach to a bangle I would wear around my wrist.
Sandy had no idea how to price this of course, I don't think she had done anything so custom. We decided that the best idea would be to make a "tester" out of silver and allow me a week or so to get used to the bangle/ring and see if I could actually use it!
The meeting is in two weeks, and I'll make sure to post pictures as soon as I have them.
Wow, didn't expect this to be so long! I better stop now or I'll have a novel!
~ Jenny
Thanks so much for posting this wonderful story! I have a lump in my throat from reading how truly caring people are and how much they want to help each other. God surely keeps his eyes on His people and listens to their needs. I look forward to hearing how this all turns out!
Great Random facts!!
I have tears running down my cheeks as I read your story of being able to wear your ring...none of pity mind you, as I believe you are one of the most capable women ever to walk the earth, but tears of a mother who knows what it is like to see her child get the desire of their heart...I am rejoicing with your mom!!!
It was a gift from our Lord, and an incredible blessings and so encouraging! I'm glad you told the story Jen!
Love u
It was so special Jenny! Truly a God ordained moment. Can't wait for Friday and more dress shopping!
Love you,
Kris - He certianly does, and I am constantly amazed by the proof of His hand in my life!
Bren - *laugh* Thank you! I had a hard time thinking of 7 interesting things about me, truth be told! I know my mother got teary as well, and I don't know if I'm the most capable,but I know that everything is worth trying - even if it's just to know my limits, and be content with them. :)
Mom - I know you wanted to tell it as well! Thanks for letting me write it first! *laugh*
Nessa - Oh I know! I am so excited, but apperently there might be some heavy snowfall this fri...so we might need to re-book it!
Hi Jen, I found your Moms blog a few weeks ago ( I dont know how I got there in the first place but now I visit every day). She writes so well and so lovingly of you all that I feel I am begining to know you. I have been delighted to add your blog to my favorites and have today been moved to "happy tears" at your story. Best wishes for the future.
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